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Niles Handweavers Guild Meeting

  • Fernwood Botanical Garden 13988 Range Line Road Niles, MI, 49120 United States (map)

Did you know Fernwood has a long history with the Niles Handweavers Guild? In 1949, Kay Boydston, a founder of Fernwood, discovered that her friend Gladys Kneeshaw shared her interest in weaving, and they decided to collaborate.

The purpose of the Guild is threefold:

1. To stimulate interest in handweaving and other fiber arts within our membership and in the community,

2. To encourage high quality of artistry and originality in handweaving and other fiber arts, and

3. To make information on handweaving and other fiber arts available to members.

There is always the fun of learning from each other, sharing what we have made, and bringing in teachers and projects to do together.

Visitors and new members are always welcome. For more information, contact the Guild President, Kathy Michener, at 269-429-6948 or

November 5

Entries Accepted for 8th Annual Juried Landscape Exhibition (last day)

November 10

DIY Natural Perfume Class