Sculpture Fernwood
Sculpture Fernwood, an outdoor sculpture exhibit placed throughout the grounds at Fernwood, is curated by Father Austin I. Collins, CSC, Professor of Sculpture in the Department of Art, Art History and Design at the University of Notre Dame.
Aside from the ten sculptures in Sculpture Fernwood, you will find two other sculptures on Fernwood's grounds. John and Mary Ann Butkovich of South Bend donated Aviary, a kinetic sculpture created by Fritz Olsen, an artist from Sawyer. Aviary is on exhibit in the entry garden outside the Visitors Center. Another Olsen sculpture, Sheltered Heart, is on exhibit as part of Sculpture Fernwood.
June is an attractive new sculpture in the Hosta Bowl garden, in memory of June Thomas from South Bend, Indiana. June loved Fernwood. Her son, Roger Thomas, and son-in-law, artist David Skora, originally from New Buffalo and now living in Connecticut, visited Fernwood after June's passing and thought a sculpture in her name on Fernwood's grounds would be a fitting memorial to Mrs. Thomas.